Students enrolled on the full-time Alimiyyah curriculum will be covering the following subjects:
To view the subjects taught in each year, click on the year below:
Year 1
Brief description:
The objective is to study key theological concepts in Islam with reference to Abu Ja‘far al-Tahawi’s famous theological essay Bayan ‘Aqidat ahl al-sunna wa ’l-jama‘a, better known as al-‘Aqīdat al-Ṭahawiyya. The contents of this course will give the student an understanding of theological schools, their social and political context, important creedal matters and theological issues that arise in other disciplines, as well as understanding some modern-day ramifications of historical theological disputes.
Students will look at Muslim discussions in theology, logic and philosophy within the framework of sunni theological schools. There will be engagement with primary and secondary texts in Arabic from different theological schools as well as secondary literature in English.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 periods contact a week.
Content summary:
Introduction to the text: early theological history; logical principles useful for theology; the author and his significance; defining ahl al-sunna wa ’l-jama‘a; contemporary theological trends.
Monotheism: arguments for rationality of belief; Qur’anic arguments for belief; arguments for monotheism; categorisation of monotheism; God’s essence and attributes.
Faith: definition of islam and iman; definition of kufr; liability for belief; excommunication, blasphemy and innovation.
Prophethood: prophets and messengers; Islamic prophets; the doctrine of infallibility; Prophet Muhammad (saw) and the finality of prophethood. Eschatology: angels; the hereafter.
Suggested reading:
- al-Qasimi, Jamal al-Din, Dala’il al-tawhid
- Ibn Jama`a, Badr al Din, Idah al-dalil fi qat` hujaj ahl al-ta`til
- al-Buti, Muhd. Sa`id Ramadan, Kubra al-yaqiniyyat al-kawniyya
- al-Babarti, Akmal al Din, Sharh al-`aqidat al-tahawiyya
- al-Ghaznawi, Siraj al Din, Sharh `aqidat al-imam al-Tahawi
- al-Kawthari, Muhammad Zahid, al-Hawi fi sirat Abi Ja`far al-Tahawi
- al-Ghunaymi, Abd al Ghani, Sharh al-`aqidat al-tahawiyya
Arabic grammar
Brief description:
Arabic Grammar is counted among the tool-sciences, required to understand the Qur’an, Hadith and the rich Muslim scholarly tradition. Students will be taken through an intermediate level Arabic grammar text covering the main discussions in Arabic grammar. At the end of the course, students should be familiar with key concepts in Arabic grammar and related terminology, as well as be capable undertaking of detailed linguistic analysis (i‘rab).
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
The course will cover key terminology, objectives and scope of grammar; the three types of words (nouns, verbs and particles); the definite and indefinite; masculine and feminine; singular, dual and plural; compound structures; verbal and nominal sentences; the three cases; inflective and non-inflective nouns.
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- Ibn Hisham, Matn Qatr al-nada wa ball al-sada
- Ibn Hisham, Sharh qatr al-nada wa ball al-sada
- al-Fawzan, Ta’jeel al-nada bi sharh qatr al-na
Additional reading:
- Abbas Hasan, al-Nahw al-wafi
- Ibn Hisham, Shudhoor al-dhahab
- Ibn Hisham, Sharh shudhur al-dhahab
- al-Zamakhshari, al-Mufassal
- Ibn Ya‘ish, Sharh al-mufassal
- al-Jurjani, al-Muqtasid
- al-Zujaji, al-Jumal fi al-nahw
- Sibawayh, al-Kitab
- al-Sayrāfī, Sharḥ al-kitāb
Arabic literature
Brief description:
This course familiarises students with reading and writing modern standard and classical Arabic. The aim is for students to write to an intermediate standard and appreciate a broad variety of literature.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
Students will engage with a version of the classic Kālīlah wa dimnah. They will also analyse, summarise, translate and write brief essays in Modern Standard Arabic based on the themes covered by the text. Students will also engage with selected texts from all 3 parts of al-Qira’ah al-Rashidah series. They will also analyse, summarise, translate these texts, and write a long literary essay in Arabic on a topic of choice.
Suggested reading:
- al-Mu’jam al-Waseet
- al-Mawrid al-Nadwi, al-Qira’ah al-Rashidah
- Mahir, Ghassan, Kalilah wa dimnah
- Tressillian, David, A Brief Introduction to Modern Arabic Literature
- Dickens, Hervey, et al, Thinking Arabic Translation
Early Islamic history
Brief description:
This course covers early Islamic history, beginning with the pre-Islamic jahiliyya period, covering the life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and looking at the early Caliphate, focusing on the four righteous caliphs: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week during the first two terms, and expanding to 3 contacts periods a week during term 3.
Content summary:
This course begins by looking at the historical background to Islam, beginning with the building of the Kaaba by Ibrahim (as) and Arabia before Islam. This is followed by a study of the Prophet’s life before prophethood, including his childhood, youth and marriage. The Makkan stage of revelation continues from that, before moving on to the Madinan era up until the Prophet’s death. The course then covers the concept of the caliphate, the lives of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali, finalising with the life of Hasan bin Ali (ra).
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- al-Mubarakfuri, Safi-Ur-Rahman, The Sealed Nectar. Darussalam Publishers
- al-Mubarakfuri, Safi-Ur-Rahman, When The Moon Split. Darussalam Publishers
- al-Suyuti, Jalal al-Din, Ta’rikh al-Khulafa’. Dar Sadir, Beirut
- al-Tantawi, Ali, Abu Bakr al-Siddiq. Dar al-Manarah
- Sallabi, Ali Muhammad, Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, his life and times. International Islamic Publishing House.
Additional reading:
- Harun, Abdul Salam, Tahdhib Siratu Ibn Hisham. Ad-Dar Al-Muttahida Publishers
- Sallabi, Ali Muhammad Umar bin al-Khattab, his life and times. International Islamic Publishing House
- Sallabi, Ali Muhammad, The Biography of Uthman bin Affan Dhun-Noorayn. Dar al-Salam
- Sallabi, Ali Muhammad, Ali bin Abi Talib. International Islamic Publishing House
- Sallabi, Ali Muhammad, al-Hasan bin Ali, his life and times. International Islamic Publishing House.
Brief description:
This course is a study of selected hadith which gives students exposure to a broad corpus of narrations. Students are expected to memorise, translate, and undertake linguistic analysis of the narrations studied.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 periods contact a week.
Content summary:
Unlike Zad al-talibin (studied in Arabic Intensive), the narrations are structured according to subject. Hence the focus is not only to give exposure to hadith language, but to understand hadith thematically. The narrations are of varying styles, sometimes including long narrations where only one line directly correlates to the chapter heading. This in turn provides students with the context to many narrations and also enables one to understand how different lessons and rulings can be derived from one single narration.
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- al-Nawawi, Riyad al-salihin
Additional reading:
- al-Bugha, al-Khin et al, Nuzhah al-muttaqin
- Ibn ‘Allan, Dalil al-falihin
- Ibn Kamal Pasha, al-Fawa’id al-mutra‘ah al-hiyad fi sharh kitab al-riyad
- Ibn ‘Uthaymin, Sharh riyad al-salihin
- al-Hilali, Bahjah al-nazirin
Islamic law
Brief description:
The objective is to study key Islamic legal concepts using a primer on legal theory and al-Quduri’s famous Mukhtasar in Hanafi law. The contents of this course will give the student a solid grounding in ritual law (‘ibadat), an understanding of the Hanafi school, the legal theories that underpin it, some intra-madhhab discussions and debates, as well as selected modern-day issues.
Students will look at Hanafi discussions in ritual, law and legal theory with occasional reference to other sunni legal schools. There will be engagement with primary and secondary texts in Arabic as well as secondary literature in English.
This module is taught over 36 weeks, with 4 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
In legal theory, students will learn about rulings, evidences, interpretative methods and the objectives to the law. In ritual law, students will be introducted to al-Quduri’s Mukhtasar and will study regulations pertaining to rituals: purification, prayer, alms-tax, fasting and pilgrimage.
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- al-Qudūrī, Mukhtaṣar al Qudūrī
- al-Haddad, Abu Bakr b. Ali, al-Jawharat al-nayyira
Additional reading:
- Imām Ḥusām al Dīn ʿAlī b. Aḥmad al Rāzī, Khulāṣat al Dalā’il wa Tanqīḥ al Masā’il, ed. Dr. Ṣalāḥ Abū al Ḥājj
- Ismail Ibrahim, The Abridged Manual In Muslim Ḥanafī Law
- Tahir Mahmood Kiani, The Mukhtaṣar al Quduri
- al-Barni, Ashiq Ilahi, al-Tashil al-daruri li masa’il al Quduri
- al-Albani, Nasir al-Din, Sifat salat al-Nabi
- al-Ghunaymi, ‘Abd al-Ghani, al-Lubab fi sharh al-kitab
- al-Samarqandi, ‘Ala al-Din, Tuhfat al-fuqaha’
Brief description:
This course is a detailed study of the last third of the Qur’an focusing on language, grammar and translation, as well as issues related to the historical context of revelation, variant readings, legal implications and Qur’anic rhetoric. Although the course focuses primarily on the text of the Qur’an, related texts will occasionally be used.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 4 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
Students will study from Surah Yasin (Q36) to Surah Nas (Q114), occasionally using the Qur’anic commentaries such as those of al-Nasafi, al-Sabuni and al-Zuhayli, as well as al-Wahidi’s book on context of revelation.
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- al-Sabuni, Safwat al-tafasir
- al-Nasafi, Madarik al-tanzil
- Ma‘arif al-Qur’an
- Ibn al-Kathir, Tafseer al-qur’an al-‘azim
- MAS Abdel Haleem, The Qur’an
Additional reading:
- al-Nasafi, Madarik al-tanzil
- al-Zuhayli, al-Tafsir al-wajiz
- Mohar ‘Ali, Word for Word Translation
- Omar, Dictionary of the Qur’an
- Mufti Elias, Qur’an Made Easy
- Raghib al-Asfahani, Mufradat al-qur’an
- al-Wahidi, Asbab al-nuzul
Translations of the Qur’an:
- Taqi Uthmani
- A J Arberry Abdullah
- Yusuf Ali
Brief description:
Students focus on developing the quality of their recitation through collective and individual recitation in front of a teacher. Alongside practice, students study the theory of tajwid using pictures and explanations of the makharij (points of articulation) and sifat al-huruf (qualities of the letters).
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 periods contact a week.
Content summary:
The course begins with a discussion on the the importance of tajwīd, the categories of lahn and the definition of tartīl. Thereafter students study the makhārij and sifāt, the rules of al-, izhar, idghām, ikfhā, qalb and the mudūd.
Students are also expected to read the 29th juz’ of the Qur’an to the teacher, as well memorise from Surat al-Fajr to Surat al-Humaza.
Suggested reading:
- Czerepinsky, Kareema, Tajweed Rules of The Quran
- Swayd, Ayman, al-Tajwid al-musawwar
- Hussaini, Ali, al-Mufid fi ‘ilm al-tajwid
- Swayd, Ayman, al-Bayan li-hukm qira’at al-qur’an bi’l-alhan
- Ibn Jazari, M. al-Muqaddimah fima yajibu ‘ala qari al-qur’an ‘an ya’lamahu
- Ibn Jazari, M. al-Nashr fi ‘l-qira’at al-‘ashr
Year 2
Arabic literature
Brief description:
This is a 1 year course covering an anthology of classical Arabic texts titled al-Muntakhabat min al-adab al-‘arabi: al-manthur wa al-manzum. The texts are selected from the Qur’an, hadith, prophetic biography, history and both pre- and post-Islamic poetry. This exposure will help increase the student’s sensitivity towards understanding the Qur’an and hadith literature. As part of their assessment, students are also required to do a book review in the form of an oral presentation on a selected literary book from the Kamil al- Kilani series.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
A range of texts that include Quran, hadith, seerah, tarikh, poetry, and prose from the Jahili (pre-Islamic) period up until the fall of the Abbasid caliphate. The classes will be delivered through text reading and analysis, lectures, discussions which will also include presentations and book reviews. Students will also be instructed to independently study, research and memorise selected literary phrases and passages as well as poetry.
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- Allen, Roger, An Introduction to Arabic Literature
Additional reading:
- Dhayf, Showqi, al-‘Asr al-jahili
- Dhayf, Showqi, al-‘Asr al-islami
- Dhayf,Showqi, al-‘Asr al-‘abbasi al-awsat
Brief description:
This course is a study of selected chapters of Islamic ethics and etiquettes from al-Tibrizi’s Mishkat al-masabiḥ.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
The course covers selected chapters from the books of faith, knowledge, prayer, funerals, virtues of the Qur’an, supplications, etiquette and piety from Mishkat al-masabih.
During the course, students will develop their understanding of Musim tarbiyah and eschatology, as well as reflect about the relevance of these topics in contemporary culture.
Suggested reading:
- al-Tibrizi, Muhammad b. ‘Abd Allah, Mishkat al-masabiḥ
- al-Qari, ‘Ali b. Sultan, Mirqat al-mafatiḥ sharh mishkat al-masabih
- Ibn al-Athir, al-Nihaya fi gharib al-hadith wa ’l-athar
Hadith Terminology (Mustalah)
Brief description:
Students have previously studied hadith texts, but have not studied how hadith are identified as reliable or unreliable. The first stage in understanding this key branch of hadith studies is understanding the terminology used by hadith scholars in categorising hadith and the conditions and characteristics of each category. This course will do that and prepare students for more advanced study in A3 where they will begin to delve into some of the more detailed discussions particular to this field.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 periods contact a week.
Content summary:
Students will go through al-Tahhan’s Taysir mustalah al-hadith as their key textbook. The course begins with the history of mustalah and other fundamental concepts, then goes on to talk about the different types of narration (khabar), which will be completed near the end of the second term. Following from that, students will study how narrators are evaluated. This is followed by the manners and modes of transmission. The course finishes with categories of narrators.
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- al-Nawawi, Riyad al-salihin
Additional reading:
- al-Bugha, al-Khin et al, Nuzhah al-muttaqin
- Ibn ‘Allan, Dalil al-falihin
- Ibn Kamal Pasha, al-Fawa’id al-mutra‘ah al-hiyad fi sharh kitab al-riyad
- Ibn ‘Uthaymin, Sharh riyad al-salihin
- al-Hilali, Bahjah al-nazirin
Islamic law
Brief description:
When reaching Alimiyyah 2, students will have studied ritual law (‘ibadat) in both English and Arabic, and they will have become familiar with the methodology of al-Quduri’s Mukhtasar and a small number of key commentaries. In Alimiyyah 2 they are introduced to positive law with a focus on business and personal law through al-Quduri’s Mukhtasar, making reference to a broader set of literature which includes commentaries of al-Quduri, other Hanafi legal texts, and the research of contemporary scholars. This course will complete their overview of Islamic law as a whole and will prepare them for advanced study of the Hanafi school in Alimiyyah 3, and study of other schools in Alimiyyah 4.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 4 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
The course is built around al-Quduri’s Mukhtasar. The first term will focus on family law such as marriage, divorce, maintenance and custody. In terms two and three the focus is on sales, contracts and issues related to property, as well as some miscellaneous topics.
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- al-Qudūrī, Mukhtaṣar al Qudūrī
- al-Haddad, Abu Bakr b. Ali, al-Jawharat al-nayyira
Additional reading:
- Imām Ḥusām al Dīn ʿAlī b. Aḥmad al Rāzī, Khulāṣat al Dalā’il wa Tanqīḥ al Masā’il, ed. Dr. Ṣalāḥ Abū al Ḥājj
- Ismail Ibrahim, The Abridged Manual In Muslim Ḥanafī Law
- Tahir Mahmood Kiani, The Mukhtaṣar al Quduri
- al-Barni, Ashiq Ilahi, al-Tashil al-daruri li masa’il al Quduri
- al-Albani, Nasir al-Din, Sifat salat al-Nabi
- al-Ghunaymi, ‘Abd al-Ghani, al-Lubab fi sharh al-kitab
- al-Samarqandi, ‘Ala al-Din, Tuhfat al-fuqaha’
- Qasim Bin Qutlubugha, al-Tashih wa ’l-tarjih ‘ala mukhtasar al-Quduri
Usul al-Fiqh
Brief description:
Students have previously studied Islamic law, but have only briefly studied the legal theory which is used to derive, justify and explain the law. This course will fill that gap, allow students to have a better understanding of how law is derived, justified and explained, as well as prepare them for more advanced studies in both legal theory and positive law.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 3 contact periods a week
Content summary:
The first term begins with a look at the history of legal theory, then focuses the nature of rulings, followed by the sources of law. In the second term, the students will complete analysing the sources of law and move to methods of legal interpretation. This will continue into the third term, followed by methods of legal harmonisation and the concepts of ijtihad and taqlid.
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- Zaydan, Abdul Karim, al-Wajiz fi usul al-fiqh
Additional reading:
- al-Zuhayli, Wahba, al-Wajiz fi usul al-fiqh
- Nyazee, Imran Ahsan Khan, Islamic Jurisprudence
- Hasan, Ahmad, Principles of Islamic jurisprudence
- Kamali, Mohammad Hashim, Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
Logic and Kalam
Brief description:
This module offers a comprehensive study of Arabic logic (manṭiq) and the epistemological postulates (al-mabādi’ al-kalāmiyya) as outlined in the works of kalām. Through studying topics pertaining to the Muslim constructed Greek-rooted theories of knowledge, students will be introduced to an essential part of Islamic intellectual history, crucial for the proper understanding and mastery of classical texts in all the religious sciences. This module presents students with the opportunity to further their knowledge of classical Islam through a unique exposure to the contents of these topics on epistemology, as well as an overview of their historical development as discussed in modern academia.
This module will use a combination of classical Arabic primers and secondary English literature.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
The first term (winter 2018) will focus on the study of manṭiq and the second term will focus on the epistemological postulates. For the first term, we will read the classical premier Isāghūjī by Athīr al-Dīn al-Abharī (d. 630/1265) in addition to the secondary academic readings related to the topics introduced in this classical premier. Isāghūjī outlines the types and perquisites of the logical categories of knowledge (e.g. the conceptions and assents), as well as the methods of their acquisition (e.g. definitions and proofs). For the second term, we will read selections from different classical kalām texts from Imām al-Ḥaramayn al-Juwaynī (d. 478/1085) to Saʿd al-Dīn al-Taftāzānī (d.792/1390). These texts will cover the concepts of knowledge (ʿilm), epistemic indicants (adilla), and scholarly investigation (naẓar), which constitute the content of al-mabādi’ al kalāmiyya.
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- al-Abhari, Athir al-Din b. ‘Umar, Īsāghūjī
- Aaron Spevack, “Apples and Oranges: The Logic of the Early and Later Arabic Logicians,” Islamic Law and Society, no. 17 (2010): 159-84
- Khaled El Rouayheb, “Does a Proposition Have Three Parts or Four? A Debate in Later Arabic Logic,” Brill ORIENS, no. 44 (2016): 301–31
- Khaled El Rouayheb, “Sunni Muslim Scholars on the Status of Logic, 1500-1800”, Islamic Law and Society, no 2 (2014): pp 213-232al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid Muhammad b. Muhammad, al-Mankhul
- al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid Muhammad b. Muhammad, al-Mustasfa min ‘ilm al-usul
- al-Juwayni, Abu ’l-Ma‘ali ‘Abd al-Malik b. ‘Abd Allah, al-Burhan fi usul al-fiqh
- al-Razi, Fakhr al-Din Muhammad b, ‘Umar, Muhassal afkar al-mutaqaddimin wa ’l-muta’akhkhirin
- al-Taftazani, Sa‘d al-Din ‘Umar b. Mas‘ud, Sharh maqasid al-talibin fi ‘ilm usul al-din
Additional reading:
- Frank, Richard M, ‘Early Islamic Theology: The Mu‘tazilites and al-Ash‘ari’ in Gutas et. al. (eds) Texts and Studies on the Development and History of Kalām
- al-Farabi, Abu Nasr, Ihsa’ al-‘ulum
- Rosenthal, Franz, Knowledge Triumphant: The Concept of Knowledge in Medieval Islam
- al-Abhari, Athir al-Din b. ‘Umar, Mughni al-tullab
Qur’anic studies
Brief description:
Students have already been studying the Qur’an for over a year and have been exposed to some concepts from Qur’anic studies. This course supplements that piecemeal knowledge by allowing them to gain a comprehensive overview of Qur’anic studies based on Ibn al-Juzzay’s introduction to his Qur’anic exegesis. This course will allow students to go on to more advanced Qur’anic studies, having developed familiarity with the key concepts in the field.
This module is taught over 12 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
This one-term course covers the history of the Qur’an, key Qur’anic themes, prerequisites for exegesis, exegetical principles and history of exegesis.
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- Ibn Juzzay, al-Tashil li ‘ulum al-tanzil
Additional reading:
- Denffer, Ahmed Von, Ulum al-Qur’an: An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur’an (Koran)
- Qadhi, Yasir, An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur’an
- Usmani, M. Taqi, An Approach to the Quranic Sciences
- al-Sabuni, Muhammad Ali, al-Tibyan fi ‘ulum al-Qur’an
- al-Suyuti, Jalal ad-Din, al-Itqan fi ‘ulum al-Qur’an
- al-Qattan, Manna’, Mabahith fi ‘ulum al-Qur’an
- al-Zarkashi, Badr al-Din Muhammad, al-Burhan fi ‘ulum al-Qur’an
- Wali Allah, Shah, al-Fawz al-kabir
Brief description:
This module is part of the overall tafsir curriculum. The Qur’an study component covers the whole Qur’an over three years as part of the Alimiyya programme. Students in this level cover about a third of the entire Qur’an –from surah Hud to Fatir- focusing on language, grammar, translation, structure and legal themes, thus learning to independently engage with the Qur’anic text.
Content summary:
This course will cover from Surat Hud to Surat Fatir. There will be a focus on grammatical analysis of selected verses that have complex or advanced structures, as well as looking at the general themes of surahs, its content and interpretations. Students will also engage with the context of revelation (asbab al-nuzul) along with their social and legislative impact, developing awareness of the verses related to key commandments within Islamic law.
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- al-Sabuni, Safwat al-tafasir
- al-Nasafi, Madarik al-tanzil
- Usmani, Shafi, Ma‘arif al-Qur’an
- Ibn al-Kathir, Tafseer al-qur’an al-‘azim
- MAS Abdel Haleem, The Qur’an
Additional reading:
- al-Nasafi, Madarik al-tanzil.
- al-Zuhayli, al-Tafsir al-wajiz
- Mohar ‘Ali, Word for Word Translation
- Omar, Dictionary of the Qur’an
- Mufti Elias, Qur’an Made Easy
- Raghib al-Asfahani, Mufradat al-qur’an
- al-Wahidi, Asbab al-nuzul
- Mir, Muntasir, Verbal Idioms of the Qur’an
- Rahman, Fazlur, Major Themes of the Qur’an
Translations of the Qur’an
- Taqi Uthmani
- A J Arberry
- Abdullah Yusuf Al
Brief description:
Students will continue developing the quality of their recitation through collective and individual recitation in front of a teacher. Alongside practice, it is important for students to be familiar with the theory of the science of tajwīd. Accordingly, students will be recapping on all important rules of tajwid with detailed explanations and pictures of Makharij (points of articulation) and sifat-ul-huruf (characteristics of the letters).
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 periods contact a week.
Content summary:
Students will memorize from al-Naba’ to al-Ghashiya and will also read Surat al-Baqara to the teacher to improve recitation. Students will learn the rules of ijtima‘ al-sakinayn, tashil and imala, waqf and ibtida’, hamzat al-wasl and hamzat al-qat‘, rawm and ishmam.
Suggested reading:
- Czerepinsky, Kareema Carol. Tajweed Rules of The Quran
- Swayd, Ayman. al-Tajwid al-Musawwar
- Hussaini, Ali. al-Mufid fi ‘Ilm al-tajwid
- Swayd, Ayman. al-Bayan li-hukm qira’at al-Qur’an bi ‘l-alhan
- Ibn al-Jazari, M. al-Muqaddima fima yajibu ‘ala qari al-Qur’an ‘an ya’lamahu
- Ibn al-Jazari, M. al-Nashr fi ‘l-qira’at al-‘ashr
Year 3
Core modules
Arabic Poetry
Brief description:
In this course, students will study pre-Islamic, Umayyad and early Abbasid poetry through the anthology of Abu Tammam and the seven Mu‘allaqat. Students will be expected to produce write and present in Arabic, thus develop their Arabic communication skills.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
Students begin with the study of Diwan al-hamasa by Abu Tammam al-Ta’i as well as selected poems from al-Shafi‘i’s poetry anthology and Abu ’l-Fath al-Busti’s ‘Unwan al-Hikam. Later they study selections from the seven Mu‘allaqat. Students are expected to memorise 101 selected couplets as well as an oral presentation in Arabic explaining selected verses of poetry.
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- Abu Tammam, Habib b. Aws al-Ta’i, Diwan al-Hamasa
- al-Busti, Abu ’l-Fath ‘Ali b. Muhammad, ‘Unwan al-Hikam
- al-Mu‘allaqat al-sab’
- Ali, Mujahid, 101 couplets
Additional reading:
- al-Shafi‘i, Muhammad b. Idris, al-Diwan
- al-Mutannabi, Abu Tayyib Ahmad b. Husayn, al-Diwan
- al-Shinqiti, Ahmad b. al-Amin, Sharh al-mu‘allaqat al-‘ashr
Arabic Rhetoric
Brief description:
Throughout the Alimiya course, students have studied Arabic syntax, morphology, Arabic literature, translation and exegesis of the Qur’an. While students may have been introduced to some technical terms used in Arabic rhetoric (balāgha) in these courses, this course will give them the opportunity to systematically study the most important rhetorical devices by going through a primer text and allow them to appreciate how these devices are employed in both the Qur’an and Arabic literature. In doing this, students will become familiar with the key rhetorical devices discussed in balāgha, and be able to recognise and appreciate the rhetorical features and devices in classical Arabic literature and the Qur’an. They will also learn about the historical development of balāgha and will develop the ability to recognise and understand balāgha related discussions in books of Qur’anic exegesis as well as other texts.
This module is taught over 24 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
The beginning of the course focuses on studying balagha theory through the primer Durus al-balagha, with a close study of balagha of the Qur’an towards the end of the course.
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- Nasif et al., Durus al-balagha
Additional reading:
- Ibn Uthaymin, Sharh durus al-balagha
- Ahmad Hashimi, Jawahir al-balagha
- Abdul-Raof, Hussein, Arabic Rhetoric: A Pragmatic Analysis
- Ali al-Jarim and Mustafa Amin, al-Balagha al-wadiha
- al-Qazwini, Talkhis al-miftah
- Muhammad Abu Musa, Khasa’is al-tarakib
- Muhammad Abu Musa, Dilalat al-tarakib
- Muhammad Abu Musa, al-Taswir al-bayani
- Fadl Abbas, al-Balagha: fununuha wa afnanuha: ‘ilm al-ma’ani
- Fadl Abbas, al-Balagha: fununuha wa afnanuha: ‘ilm al-bayan wa ’l-badi’
- Fadl Abbas, al-Balagha al-muftara ‘alayha
- Fadl Abbas, I‘jaz al-Qur’an
- Hamid ‘Awni, al-Minhaj al-wadih
- Abdul Aziz Mat’ani, al-Tafsir al-balaghi li’l-istifham fi ’l-Qur’an al-hakim
- Sayyid Qutb, al-Taswir al-fanni fi ’l-Qur’an
- Sayyid Qutb, Mashahid al-qiyamah fi ’l-Qur’an
- Sayyid Qutb, al-Naqd al-adabi: usuluhu wa-manahijuhu
- Ibn al-Qayyim, al-Amthal fi ’l-Qur’an
- Izz al-Din b. Abd al-Salam, Majaz al-Qur’an
- Ibn al-Athir, al-Mathal al-Sa’ir
- al-Khudari, M, A., Min asrar huruf al-jarr fi al-dhikr al-hakim
- al-Khudari, M, A., Min asrar huruf al-‘atf fi ’l-dhikr al-hakim: al-fa’ wa thumma
- Abdel Haleem, M. A., Understanding the Qur’an: Themes and Style
- Abdullah Draz, al-Naba al-‘azim
- Taftazani, Ibn Ya‘qub, Subki, al-Qazwini, Dusuqi, Shuruh al-Talkhis
- Nabulsi, ʻAbd al-Ghani ibn Ismaʻil, and Pierre Cachia, The Arch Rhetorician or The Schemer’s Skimmer: A Handbook of Late Arabic Badi‘ Drawn From ʻAbd Al-Ghani al-Nabulsi’s Nafahat al-azhar ʻala nasamat al-ashar
- Stetkevych, Suzanne Pinckney, The poetics of Islamic legitimacy: myth, gender, and ceremony in the classical Arabic ode
Hadith: Faith and Knowledge
Brief description:
This module is the first part of the Dawra programme. It will explore miscellaneous subjects: Iman, Ashrat al-sa‘a, etc. whilst focusing on the methodology of Muslim b. Hajjaj in his Sahih.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week
Content summary:
Term 1 focuses on introducing key concepts in hadith, information about Muslim, his Sahih, and the key hadith collections. Terms 2 and 3 focus on covering a large body of hadith, with students expected to read regularly from a wide variety of commentaries in order to be able to participate in class discussions.
Suggested reading:
- Muslim bin al-Hajjaj al-Naysaburi, al-Musnad al-sahih al-mukhtasar bi naql al-‘adl ‘an al-‘adl ila rasul Allah salla ’llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam
- Mashhur, Hasan, al-Imam Muslim b. al-Hajjaj
- al-Dahlawi, ‘Abd al-‘Aziz bin Wali Allah, Bustan al-muhaddithin fi bayan kutub al-hadith wa ashabiha al-ghir al-mayamin
- al-Armaki, ‘Abd Allah bin Muhammad, al-Awa’il al-hadithiyya al-mi’a
- al-Ghawri, Sayyid ‘Abd al-Majid, al-Wajiz fi ta‘rif kutub al-hadith
- al-Sakhawi, Shams al-Din Muhammad bin ‘Abd al-Rahman, Ghunyat al-muhtaj fi khatm sahih Muslim bin al-Hajjaj
- al-Malibari, Hamza ‘Abd Allah, ‘Aqbariyat al-imam Muslim fi tartib ahadith musnadihi ’l-sahih
- al-Mazari, Muhammad b. ‘Ali, al-Mu‘lim bi fawa’id Muslim
- ‘Iyad b. Musa al-Yahsubi, Ikmal al-mu‘lim bi fawa’id Muslim
- al-Nawawi, Muhyi al-Din, al-Minhaj sharh sahih Muslim b. al-Hajjaj
- al-Qurtubi, Abu ’l-‘Abbas Ahmad b. ‘Umar, al-Mufhim li ma ashkala min talkhis Muslim
- al-Harawi, Muhammad bin ‘Ata’ Allah, Fadl al-mun‘im fi sharh sahih Muslim
- Uthmani, Bashir & Uthmani, Muhammad Taqi, Fath al-mulhim bi sharh sahih al-imam Muslim b. al-Hajjaj al-Qushayri
- al-Harari, Muhammad al-Amin bin ‘Abd Allah, al-Kawkab al-wahhaj wa ’l-rawd al-bahhaj fi sharh sahih Muslim bin al-Hajjaj
Brief description:
This course is the second year of Islamic discursive theology. Students will study the famous work of Imam Taftazani entitled Sharh al `Aqa’id al Nasafiyya. Students will deepen their understanding of theological discussions with a study of epistemology and a deeper look at classical Kalam subjects.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
The first term focuses on classical kalam epistemology. The second term focuses on God’s oneness and divine attributes. The third term focuses on the afterlife.
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- Taftazani, Sa`d al Din, Sharh al-`aqa’id al-nasafiyya
Additional reading:
- Elder, Earl Edgar, A Commentary on the Creed of Islam
- al-Biqa`i, Burhan al-Din, al-Nukat wa ’l-fawa’id `ala sharh al- `aqa’id
- al-Farhari, al-Nibras
Advance Fiqh: Track based modules
Brief description:
When reaching Alimiyya 3, students have studied ritual law (‘ibadat) and positive law (mu‘amalat and mu‘asharat) through Quduri’s Mukhtasar, its commentaries, and some key classical and contemporary works.
In Alimiyya 3 students are introduced to a more advanced study of the Hanafi school, gaining familiarity with the internal hierarchy of the school, the process of lawmaking, and the key authors and texts of the school. Legal methods specific to the Hanafi school are also introduced. Students will need to engage with primary and secondary texts in Arabic as well as secondary literature in English.
This will prepare students for studying the remaining sunni legal schools and undertaking their own legal research in A4.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
The first term focuses on the history of the Hanafi legal school; during the second term, students study Ibn ‘Abidin’s Rasm al-mufti to understand the internal coherence of the Hanafi school. The rest of the term and all of the third term focuses on practical workshops where students develop familiarity with the broad corpus of Hanafi legal literature.
Suggested reading:
- al-Naqib, Ahmad, al-Madhhab al-hanafi
- Uthmani, Muhammad Taqi, Usul al-ifta’ wa adabuhu
- al-Kawthari, Muhammad Zahid, Fiqh ahl al-‘iraq wa hadithuhum
- Ibn ‘Abidin, Muhammad Amin, ‘Uqud rasm al-mufti
Hadith Terminology (Mustalah): Track based modules
Brief description:
In this course, students will receive instruction on hadith studies and be guided through Ibn Hajar’s Nuzhat al-Nazar. This course is an intermediate study of hadith terminology (mustalah al-hadith) which students will be encountering frequently in hadith studies, fiqh and other Islamic disciplines. In doing this course, students will learn about history of hadith literature, develop an awareness of how scholars thought about specialist terminology, and see how the theoretical discussions can be applied practically.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
The course will begin with a historical overview of mustalah, before studying different types of isnads, narrator-criticism, etiquettes of hadith transmission, and hadith-criticism.
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- Ibn Hajar, Ahmad bin ‘Ali al-‘Asqalani, Nuzhat al-nazar
- Brown, J., Hadith: Muhammad’s Legacy in the Medieval and Modern World
- ʻItr, Nūr al-Dīn, Manhaj al-naqd fī ʻulūm al-ḥadīth
- Ibn al-Hanbali, Muhammad ibn Ibrahim, Qafw al-athar fi safwa ūlūm al-athar
Additional reading:
- ‘Abd al Fattāh Abu Ghuddah, Safhah Mushriqah ‘an samā’ īl-hadīth
- ‘Abd al Fattāh Abu Ghuddah, al-Isnād min al-dīn
- Haddad, Gibril Fouad, Sunna Notes: Studies in Hadith and Doctrine: Volume 1: Hadith History and Principles
- ʻItr, Nūr al-Dīn, al-Imām al-Tirmidhī wa-al-muwāzinah bayna jāmiʻhi wa-bayna al-saḥīḥayn
- Kamali, Mohammad Hashim, A Textbook of Ḥadīth Studies: Authenticity, Compilation, Classification and Criticism of Ḥadīth
- Azami, M. M., Studies in Hadith methodology and literature
- Siddiqi, Muhammad Zubayr, Hadith Literature, its Origins, Development and Special Features.
Qur’an: Track based modules
History of Tafsir
Brief description:
This module focuses on tafsir as a genre: its definition, its types and the most common exegetical schools. Students will explore key exegeses for each school such as Qurtubi’s al Jami` li Ahkam al Qur’an and Razi’s Mafatih al Ghayb. This will familiarise students with the world of exegesis: the authors, their lives and their contributions.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
Students will begin by learning about the main schools of exegesis, such as linguistic tafsir, legal tafsir, etc. After this, they will look at individual exegetes, learning about their life and reading through selections of their work that will train students to read them indepently.
Suggested reading:
- al-Dhahabi, Muḥammad Ḥusayn, al-Tafsīr wa’l-mufassirūn
- al-Nasafi, Abu ’l-Barakat ‘Abd Allah bin Ahmad, Madarik al-tanzil wa haqa’iq al-ta’wil
- al-Baghawi, Abu Muhammad al-Husayn bin Mas‘ud, Ma‘alim al-tanzil
- Ibn ‘Atiyya, ‘Abd al-Haqq al-Gharnati, al-Muharrar al-wajiz fi tafsir al-kitab al-‘aziz
- al-Baydawi, ‘Abd Allah bin ‘Umar, Anwar al-tanzil wa asrar al-ta’wil
- Ibn al-Jawzi, Abu ’l-Faraj ‘Abd al-Rahman, Zad al-masir fi ‘ilm al-tafsir
- al-Zamakhshari, Abu ’l-Qasim Mahmud bin ‘Umar, al-Kashshaf ‘an haqa’iq al-tanzil wa ‘uyun al-aqawil fi wujuh al-ta’wil
- Ibn Kathir, Isma‘il bin ‘Umar al-Dimishqi, Tafsir al-Qur’an al-‘azim
- al-Razi, Fakhr al-Din Muhammad b. ‘Umar, Mafatih al-ghayb
- al-Qurtubi, Muhammad b. Ahmad, al-Jami‘ li ahkam al-Qur’an.
- al-Tabari, Muhammad b. Jarir, Jami‘ al-bayan ‘an ta’wil ay al-Qur’an
- al-Maturidi, Muhammad b. Muhammad b. Mahmud, Ta’wilat ahl al-sunna
- al-Tha‘libi, Ahmad b. Muhammad, al-Kashf wa ’l-bayan ‘an tafsir al-Qur’an
- Makki b. Abi Talib al-Qaysi, al-Hidaya ila bulugh al-nihaya
- al-Qushayri, ‘Abd al-Karim b. Hawazin, Lata’if al-isharat
- al-Wahidi, ‘Ali b. Ahmad, al-Wasit fi tafsir al-Qur’an al-majid
- al-Jurjani, ‘Abd al-Qahir b. ‘Abd al-Rahman, Darj al-durar fi tafsir al-ay wa ’l-suwar
- al-Samin al-Halabi, Ahmad b. Yusuf, al-Durr al-masun fi ‘ulum al-kitab al-maknun
- al-Biqa‘i, Ibrahim b. ‘Umar, Nazm al-durar fi tanasub al-ayat wa ’l-suwar
- Abu ’l-Su‘ud, Muhammad b. Muhammad al-‘Imadi, Irshad al-‘aql al-salim ila mazaya ’l-kitab al-karim
- Ibn ‘Ajiba, Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Fasi, al-Bahr al-madid fi tafsir al-Qur’an al-majid
- al-Shawkani, Muhammad b. ‘Ali, Fath al-qadir al-jami‘ bayna fannay ’l-riwaya wa ’l-diraya min ‘ilm al-tafsir.
Brief description:
This course surveys the origins, development, formation, authority, terminology, criticism and classifications in Qur’anic studies (‘ulum al-Qur’an). The main text for this course is al-Muharrar fi ‘ulum al-Qur’an by Musa’id al-Tayyar. This course will start with an overview and development of ‘ulum al-Qur’an. Students will be guided through a critical and analytical reading of the main categories of Qur’anic studies; revelation and compilation of the Qur’an, the chapters of the Qur’an and the Mushaf. The course will also highlight the link between the various discussions within Qur’anic studies and their relationship with each other as well as their connection to exegesis.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
Term 1 focuses on the history and development of Qur’anic studies, as well as revelation and the history of the compilation of the Qur’an. Term two will focus on topics related to the chapters of the Qur’an. Term three will focus on the Mushaf: definition, rasm, tajzi’ah etc.
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- al-Tayyar, Musa‘id bin Sulayman, al-Muharrar fi ‘ulum al-Qur’an
Additional reading:
- al-Gharnati, Abu Ja’far Ahmad bin Ibrahim, al-Burhan fi tartib suwar al-Qur’an
- Ibn Taymiyya, Ahmad bin ‘Abd al-Halim, Muqaddima fi usul al-tafsir
- al-Zarkashi, Badr al-Din, al-Burhan fi ‘ulum al-Qur’an
- al-Suyuti, Jalal al-Din, al-Tahbir fi ‘ilm al-tafsir
- al-Suyuti, Jalal al-Din, al-Itqan fi ‘ulum al-Qur’an
- Waliyullah, Ahmad bin ‘Abd al-Rahim al-Dahlawi, al-Fawz al-kabir fi usul al-tafsir
- al-Balinburi, Sa‘id Ahmad, al-‘Awn al-kabir sharh al-fawz al-kabir
- al-Farahi, ‘Abd al-Hamid, Rasa’il fi ‘ulum al-Qur’an (parts 1 & 2)
- al-Maliki, ‘Alawi bin ‘Abbas, Fayd al-khabir wa khulasat al-taqrir ‘ala nahj al-taysir sharh manzumat al-tafsir
- al-Tayyar, Musa‘id bin Sulayman, al-Tahrir fi usul al-tafsir
Year 4
Core modules
Hadith: Fasting, Zakah and Hajj
Brief description:
This programme focuses on hadiths related to ritual law (zakat, sawm and hajj) with a particular focus al-Tirmidhi’s Jami‘. Students will also study al-Tirmidhi’s ‘Ilal in order to get further grounding in his hadith methodology. This will prepare students for more advanced studies in A5.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
Term 1 begins with a background to the Jami‘ of al-Tirmidhi through his ‘Ilal, before discussing alms (zakat). Term 2 focuses on fasting (sawm), whilst term 3 covers the pilgrimage (hajj).
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- al-Tirmidhi, Abu ‘Isa Muhammad b. ‘Isa b. Sawra, al-Jami‘ al-mukhtasar min al-sunan ‘an rasul Allah salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam wa ma‘rifa al-sahih wa ’l-ma‘lul wa ma ‘alayhi ’l-‘amal
- al-Dahlawi, ‘Abd al-‘Aziz bin Wali Allah, Bustan al-muhaddithin fi bayan kutub al-hadith wa ashabiha al-ghir al-mayamin. Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, Beirut
- al-Armaki, ‘Abd Allah bin Muhammad, al-Awa’il al-hadithiyya al-mi’a. Dar al-Fath, Amman
- al-Ghawri, Sayyid ‘Abd al-Majid, al-Wajiz fi ta‘rif kutub al-hadith. Dar Ibn Kathir, Damascus
- Ibn al-‘Arabi, Abu Bakr Muhammad b. ‘Abd Allah al-Ishbili, ‘Aridat al-ahwadhi bi sharh sahih al-Tirmidhi
- Ibn Sayyid al-Nas, Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Ya‘muri, al-Nafh al-shadhdhi fi sharh jami‘ al-Tirmidhi
- al-Suyuti, Jalal al-Din ‘Abd al-Rahman, Qut al-mughtadhi ‘ala jami‘ al-Tirmidhi
- al-Kankuhi, Rashid Ahmad, al-Kawkab al-durri ‘ala jami‘ al-Tirmidhi. Matba‘a Nadwat al-‘Ulama, Lucknow
- al-Mubarakfuri, Muhammad b. ‘Abd al-Rahman, Tuhfat al-ahwadhi bi sharh jami‘ al-Tirmidhi. Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
- al-Kashmiri, Muhammad Anwar Shah, al-‘Arf al-shadhdhi sharh sunan al-Tirmidhi
- al-Binnuri, Muhammad Yusuf b. Muhammad Zakariya, Ma‘arif al-sunan sharh jami‘ al-Tirmidhi
- Ibn Rajab, ‘Abd al-Rahman b. Ahmad al-Hanbali, Sharh ‘ilal al-Tirmidhi. Dar al-Malah, Damascus
Hadith: Morals and Ethics
Brief description:
Students will study and analyse hadith related to morals and ethics text the six canonical collections using Imam al-Bukhari’s as their core text.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week
Content summary:
The focus will be Kitab al-adab from Bukhari’s Sahih, using a wide range of hadith commentaries such as Ibn Hajar’s Fath al-Bari.
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- al-Bukhari, Muhammad b. Isma‘il, al-Jami‘ al-sahih al-musnad al-mukhtasar min umur rasul Allah wa sunanihi wa ayyamihi. Various editions
- Muslim bin al-Hajjaj al-Naysaburi, al-Musnad al-sahih al-mukhtasar bi naql al-‘adl ‘an al-‘adl ila rasul Allah salla ’llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Various editions
- Abu Dawud, Sulayman bin al-Ash‘ath al-Sijistani, al-Sunan. Various editions (Dar al-Gharb, Dar al-Salam, Dar al-Ta’sil or Mu’assasat al-Risala)
- al-Tirmidhi, Abu ‘Isa Muhammad b. ‘Isa b. Sawra, al-Jami‘ al-mukhtasar min al-sunan ‘an rasul Allah salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam wa ma‘rifa al-sahih wa ’l-ma‘lul wa ma ‘alayhi ’l-‘amal
- al-Nasa’i, Ahmad bin Shu‘ayb, al-Mujtaba or al-Sunan al-sughra. Various editions (Dar al-Salam, Mu’assasat al-Risala, Dar al-Ta’sil)
- Ibn Majah, Muhammad bin Yazid al-Qazwini, al-Sunan. Various editions (Dar al-Salam, Mu’assasat al-Risala, Dar al-Ta’sil)
- Ibn Farhun, ‘Abd Allah b. Muhammad, al-‘Udda fi i‘rab al-‘umda. Dar al-Imam al-Bukhari, Doha
- al-Fakihani, ‘Umar b. ‘Ali, Riyad al-afham fi sharh ‘umdat al-ahkam. Dar al-Nawadir, Beirut
- Ibn al-‘Attar, ‘Ali b. Ibrahim, al-‘Udda fi sharh al-‘umda fi ahadith al-ahkam. Dar al-Basha’ir al-Islamiya, Beirut
- Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr, Abu ‘Umar Yusuf, al-Tamhid li ma fi’l-Muwatta min al-ma‘ani wa ’l-asanid. Mu’assasat al-Furqan, London
- Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr, Abu ‘Umar Yusuf, al-Istidhkar al-jami‘ li-madhahib fuqaha’ al-amsar wa ‘ulama- al-aqtar fima tadammanahu ’l-Muwatta’ min ma‘ani ’l-ra’y wa ’l-athar wa sharh dhalika kullihi bi ’l-ijaz wa ’l-ikhtisar. Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyya, Beirut
- Ibn Battal, ‘Ali b. Khalaf, Sharh sahih al-Bukhari. Maktabat al-Rushd, Riyadh. * Ibn Rajab, ‘Abd al-Rahman b. Ahmad, Fath al-bari sharh sahih al-Bukhari. Various editions
- Ibn Hajar, Ahmad b. ‘Ali, Fath al-bari sharh sahih al-Bukhari. Various editions
- al-‘Ayni, Badr al-Din Mahmud, ‘Umdat al-qari sharh sahih al-Bukhari. Various editions
- al-Malibari, Hamza ‘Abd Allah, ‘Aqbariyat al-imam Muslim fi tartib ahadith musnadihi ’l-sahih. Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut
- al-Mazari, Muhammad b. ‘Ali, al-Mu‘lim bi fawa’id Muslim. Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, Beirut
- al-Nawawi, Muhyi al-Din, al-Minhaj sharh sahih Muslim b. al-Hajjaj. Various editions
- ‘Iyad b. Musa al-Yahsubi, Ikmal al-mu‘lim bi fawa’id Muslim. Dar al-Wafa’, Cairo
- al-Qurtubi, Abu ’l-‘Abbas Ahmad b. ‘Umar, al-Mufhim li ma ashkala min talkhis Muslim. Dar Ibn Kathir
- al-Harawi, Muhammad bin ‘Ata’ Allah, Fadl al-mun‘im fi sharh sahih Muslim. Dar al-Nawadir, Damascus
- Uthmani, Bashir & Uthmani, Muhammad Taqi, Fath al-mulhim bi sharh sahih al-imam Muslim b. al-Hajjaj al-Qushayri. Various editions
- al-Harari, Muhammad al-Amin bin ‘Abd Allah, al-Kawkab al-wahhaj wa ’l-rawd al-bahhaj fi sharh sahih Muslim bin al-Hajjaj. Dar al-Minhaj, Beirut
- al-Khattabi, Abu Sulayman Hamad, Ma‘alim al-sunan sharh sunan Abi Dawud. Various editions
- al-‘Ayni, Badr al-Din Mahmud, Sharh sunan Abi Dawud. Maktabat al-Rushd, Riyadh
- al-‘Azim Abadi, Muhammad Ashraf bin Amir al-Siddiqi, ‘Awn al-ma‘bud ‘ala sharh sunan Abi Dawud. Various edutions
- al-Saharanfuri, Khalil Ahmad, Badhl al-majhud fi hall Abi Dawud. Various editions
- al-Subki, Mahmud Muhammad Khattab, al-Manhal al-‘adhb al-mawrud sharh sunan al-imam Abi Dawud. Various editions
- Ibn al-‘Arabi, Abu Bakr Muhammad b. ‘Abd Allah al-Ishbili, ‘Aridat al-ahwadhi bi sharh sahih al-Tirmidhi
- Ibn Sayyid al-Nas, Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Ya‘muri, al-Nafh al-shadhdhi fi sharh jami‘ al-Tirmidhi
- al-Suyuti, Jalal al-Din ‘Abd al-Rahman, Qut al-mughtadhi ‘ala jami‘ al-Tirmidhi
- al-Kankuhi, Rashid Ahmad, al-Kawkab al-durri ‘ala jami‘ al-Tirmidhi. Matba‘a Nadwat al-‘Ulama, Lucknow
- al-Mubarakfuri, Muhammad b. ‘Abd al-Rahman, Tuhfat al-ahwadhi bi sharh jami‘ al-Tirmidhi. Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
- al-Kashmiri, Muhammad Anwar Shah, al-‘Arf al-shadhdhi sharh sunan al-Tirmidhi
- al-Binnuri, Muhammad Yusuf b. Muhammad Zakariya, Ma‘arif al-sunan sharh jami‘ al-Tirmidhi
- Ibn Rajab, ‘Abd al-Rahman b. Ahmad al-Hanbali, Sharh ‘ilal al-Tirmidhi. Dar al-Malah, Damascus
- al-Wallawi, ‘Ali bin Adam, Dakhirat al-‘uqba fi sharh al-mujtaba. Dar al-Mi‘raj al-Dawliyya, Beirut
- al-Suyuti, Jalal al-Din ‘Abd al-Rahman bin Bakr, Zuhr al-ruba ‘ala ’l-mujtaba. Various editions
- al-Suyuti, Jalal al-Din ‘Abd al-Rahman bin Bakr, Misbah al-zujajah ‘ala sunan Ibn Majah. Various editions
- al-Sindi, Muhammad bin ‘Abd al-Hadi, Hashiyat al-Nasa’i. Various editions
- al-Sindi, Muhammad bin ‘Abd al-Hadi, Kifayat al-haja fi sharh sunan Ibn Majah. Various editions
- al-Dahlawi, ‘Abd al-Ghani, Injah al-haja sharh sunan Ibn Majah. Various editions
- al-Nu‘mani, Muhammad ‘Abd al-Rashid, Ma tamuss ilayhi ’l-haja liman yutali‘ sunan Ibn Majah. Various editions
- al-Busiri, Ahmad bin Abi Bakr, Misbah al-zijaja fi zawa’id sunan Ibn Majah. Various editions
Research methods
Brief description:
As students advance in the Alimiyya degree, there is more emphasis on students undertaking research, and in light of that students require a greater understanding of different research methods which they can use in their studies. This course attempts to provide an overview of the most relevant issues relevant to designing and implementing a successful research project.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
The course begins by focusing on how to choose a suitable topic, finding suitable literature, reading widely and writing proposals. In the second term, the focus is on understanding different research methods, and writing a literature review. The final term focuses on designing and planning a research project.
Suggested reading:
- Turabian, Kate, Manual for Writers of Research Papers
- Ritter, R. M., Oxford Style Manual
- Hacker & Sommers, A Pocket Style Manual
- Dawson, Catherine, Introduction to Research Methods
- Bell, Judith, Doing your research project
Fiqh: Track based modules
Comparative Islamic Law
Brief description:
By Alimiyya 4, students have gained a solid grounding in Islamic law through the Hanafi legal school in the previous years. Here students become familiar with the remaining sunni schools of law, with a particular focus on the Maliki, Shafii and Hanbali schools, as well some of the secondary schools such as the Zahiri school. The focus will be on teaching students to research views within each school, as well as to compare views amongst the schools and understand some of the reasons for the differences.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
The first term begins with understanding difference of opinion, then moves onto introductory lectures into the Maliki, Shafii and Hanbali schools. Term two focuses on the development and history of the main legal schools and their fatwa methods. The third term looks at fatwa councils, before familiarising students with the dominant books of the major schools through the use of case studies.
Suggested reading:
Fiqh Research Workshop
Brief description:
Students have gained a solid grounding in Islamic law through the Hanafi legal school in the previous years. Here students gain practical familiarity with the remaining sunni schools of law, researching views within and across the four sunni schools, delving into the primary sources, comparing views amongst the schools and understanding reasons for the differences. This will allow students to go on to study more research-focused Islamic law modules in A5 where they will be expected to work towards providing solutions for new issues (nawazil).
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
The first term focuses on the Hanafi school. In the second term the focus is on the Maliki and Shafii schools, whilst the third term focuses on the Hanbali school and completion of research projects.
Suggested reading:
- al-Maydani, Abd al-Ghani, al-Lubab fi sharh al-kitab, al-Maktaba al-‘Umariya, Damascus
- al-Haddad, Abu Bakr bin ‘Ali, al-Jawhara al-nayyira sharh mukhtasar al-quduri fi furu‘ al-hanafiyya. Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyya, Beirut
- al-Razi, ‘Ali bin Makki, Khulasat al-dala’il fi tanqih al-masa’il, Maktabat al-Rushd, Riyadh
- Qutlubugha, Qasim, al-Tarjih wa’l-tashih ‘ala ’l-quduri (on the margins of Mukhtasar al-Quduri), Mu’assasat al-Rayyan, Beirut
- al-Bahtarawali, ‘Abd al-Razzaq, al-Muzhir al-nuri li-hall ma fi mukhtasar al-quduri, Diya al-‘Ulum, Rawalpindi
- al-Hindi, Muhammad Sulayman, al-Mu’tasar al-daruri, Maktabat al-Bushra, Karachi
- al-Shaybani, Muhammad bin al-Hasan, al-Asl, Wizarat al-Awqaf, Doha
- al-Sarakhsi, Muhammad bin Abi Sahl, al-Mabsut, Dar al-Ma’rifa, Beirut
- al-Samarqandi, ‘Ala’ al-Din Muhammad bin Ahmad, Tuhfat al-fuqaha, Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
- al-Kashani, Abu Bakr bin Mas‘ud, Bada’i’ al-sana’i’ fi tartib al-shara’i’, Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyya, Beirut
- al-Marghinani, Ali bin Abi Bakr, al-Hidaya sharh bidayat al-mubtadi (with Laknawi’s commentary on the margins), Idarat al-Qur’an wa’l-‘Ulum al-Islamiya, Karachi
- Ibn al-Humam, Kamal al-Din Muhammad bin Abd al-Wahid al-Sakandari, Sharh fath al-qadir ‘ala ’l-hidaya sharh bidayat al-mutdabi, Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyya, Beirut
- al-‘Ayni, Badr al-Din Mahmud bin Ahmad, al-Niyaba fi sharh al-hidaya, Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
- Burhan al-Din al-Bukhari, Mahmud bin Sadr al-Shari’a, al-Muhit al-burhani li-masa’il al-mabsut wa ’l-jami‘ayn wa ’l-siyar wa ’l-ziyadat wa ’l-nawadir wa ’l-fatawa wa ’l-waqi‘at mudallala bi dala’il al-mutaqaddimin, Idarat al-Qur’an wa’l-‘Ulum al-Islamiya, Karachi
- Ibn ‘Abidin, Muhammad Amin, Radd al-mukhtar ‘ala ’l-durr al-mukhtar sharh tanwir al-absar, Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
- Malik b. Anas, al-Muwatta. Dar al-Gharb, Beirut
- Sahnun, al-Mudawwana al-kubra. * Ibn Habib, ‘Abd al-Malik al-Sulami, al-Wadiha
- Ibn Abi Zayd, ‘Abd Allah al-Qayrawani, al-Risala. Dar al-Gharb, Beirut
- Ibn Abi Zayd, ‘Abd Allah al-Qayrawani, Ikhtisar al-mudawwana wa ’l-mukhtalita. Markaz Najibawayhi, Cairo
- Ibn Abi Zayd, ‘Abd Allah al-Qayrawani, al-Nawadir wa ’l-ziyadat. Dar al-Gharb, Beirut
- al-Baradha‘i, Khalaf b. Abi ’l-Qasim Muhammad, al-Tahdhib fi ikhtisar al-mudawwana. Markaz Najibawayhi, Cairo
- ‘Abd al-Wahhab al-Baghdadi, Abu Muhammad b. Nasr, al-Talqin. Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
- ‘Abd al-Wahhab al-Baghdadi, Abu Muhammad b. Nasr, al-Ma‘una ‘ala madhhab ahl al-madina. Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
- ‘Abd al-Wahhab al-Baghdadi, Abu Muhammad b. Nasr, al-Ishraf ‘ala nukat masa’il al-khilaf. Dar Ibn Hazm, Beirut
- Ibn Rushd, Abu ’l-Walid Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Qurtubi, al-Bayan wa ’l-tahsil wa ’l-sharh wa ’l-tawjih wa ’l-ta‘lil fi masa’il al-mustakhraja. Dar al-Gharb, Beirut
- al-Lakhmi, Abu ’l-Hasan ‘Ali b. Muhammad, al-Tabsira. Markaz Najibawayhi, Cairo
- Ibn Yunus, Abu Bakr Muhammad b. ‘Abd Allah al-Siqilli, al- Jami‘ li masa’il al-mudawwana. Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
- Ibn Abdul Barr, Abu ‘Umar Yusuf b. ‘Abd Allah al-Qurtubi, al-Istidhkar al-jami‘ li-madhahib fuqaha’ al-amsar wa ‘ulama’ al-aqtar fima tadammanahu al-muwatta’ min ma‘ani ’l-ra’y wa ’l-athar wa sharh dhalika kullihi bi ’l-ijaz wa ’l-ikhtisar
- al-Baji, Abu ’l-Walid Sulayman b. Khalaf, al-Muntaqa sharh al-muwatta
- Ibn al-‘Arabi, Abu Bakr Muhammad b. ‘Abd Allah al-Ishbili, Ahkam al-Qur’an
- Ibn al-Hajib, Abu ‘Amr Jamal al-Din b. ‘Umar al-Masri, Jami‘ al-ummahat. Dar al-Yamama, Riyad
- Khalil bin Ishaq al-Jundi, al-Tawdih sharh jami‘ al-ummahat. Markaz Najibawayhi, Cairo
- Ibn Abdul Salam, Muhammad al-Umawi, Tanbih al-talib li fahm Ibn al-Hajib. Wizarat al-Awqaf, Doha
- Khalil bin Ishaq al-Jundi, al-Mukhtasar. Dar al-Fikr, Beirut
- al-Mawwaq, al-Taj wa ’l-iklil li-mukhtasar Khalil. Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyya, Beirut
- al-Hattab, Mawahib al-jalil li-sharh mukhtasar Khalil. Dar al-Kutub al-‘Ilmiyya, Beirut
Hadith: Track based modules
Applied Hadith Analysis
Brief description:
In this course students will learn how to reference hadith, compile and analyse chains of narration, study the biographies of the narrators, and evaluate the reliability of hadith.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
The first term will focus on analysing individual isnads using standard biographical dictionaries.
The second term will focus on gathering and comparing isnads, and then combining isnad and narrator analysis to evaluate hadiths
The third term will be a research project consisting of takhrij of a small work such as a collection of 40 hadith.
Suggested reading:
- al-Dhahabī, Shams al-Dīn, Mīzān al-i‘tidāl fī naqd al-rijāl. Dār al-Risāla al- ‘Ālamiyya, Damascus, 2009
- Ibn Ḥajar, Aḥmad bin ‘Alī, Taqrib al-tahdhib. Dār al-Minhāj, Jedda, 2012
- al-Mizzī, Abū ’l-Ḥajjāj Yūsuf, Tahdhīb al-kamāl fī asmā’ al-rijāl. Mu’assasat al-Risāla, Beirut, 1983
- al-Bukhārī, Muḥammad b. Ismā‘īl, al-Jāmi‘ al-musnad al-ṣaḥīḥ al-mukhtaṣar min umūr rasūl Allāh sallā Allāh ‘alayhi wa sallam wa sunanihi wa ayyamihi. Dār Ṭawq al-Najāt, Beirut, 1422h
- al-Bukhārī, Muḥammad b. Ismā‘īl, al-Tārīkh al-kabīr. Dār al-Fikr, n.d
- al-Dhahabī, Shams al-Dīn, al-Kāshif fī ma‘rifa man lahu riwāyat fī ’l-kutub al-sitta. Mu’assasat ‘Ulūm al-Qur’ān, Jedda, 1992
- al-Dhahabī, Shams al-Dīn, Tadhhīb tahdhīb al-kamāl fī asmā’ al-rijāl. Al-Fārūq al-Ḥadītha li’l-Ṭibā‘a wa’l-Nashr, Cairo, 2004
- Ibn Ḥajar, Aḥmad bin ‘Alī, Aṭrāf al-musnad al-mu‘talī bi aṭrāf al-musnad al-ḥanbalī. Dār Ibn Kathīr, Damascus, 1993
- Ibn Ḥajar, Aḥmad bin ‘Alī, al-Dirāya fi takhrīj aḥādīth al-hidāya. Dār al-Ma‘rifa, Beirut, n.d.
- Ibn Ḥajar, Aḥmad bin ‘Alī, Hidāyat al-ruwāt ilā takhrīj aḥādīth al-miṣbāḥ wa ’l-mishkāt. Dār Ibn ‘Affān, Cairo, 2001
- Ibn Ḥajar, Aḥmad bin ‘Alī, al-Iṣāba fi tamyīz al-ṣaḥāba
- Itḥāf al-mahara bi’l-fawā’id al-mubtakara min atrāf al-‘ashara. Wizārat al-Awqāf al-Sa‘ūdiyya, Madina, 1415h
- Ibn Ḥajar, Aḥmad bin ‘Alī, al-Kāfī al-shāf
- Lisān al-mīzān. Dār al-Bashā’ir al-Islāmiyya, Beirut, 2002
- Ibn Ḥajar, Aḥmad bin ‘Alī, al-Maṭālib al-‘āliya bi zawā’id al-masānīd al-thamāniyya. Dār al-‘Āṣima, Riyadh, 1998
- Ibn Ḥajar, Aḥmad bin ‘Alī, Natā’ij al-afkār fī takhrīj aḥādīth al-adhkār. Dār Ibn Kathīr, Damascus, 2008
- Ibn Ḥajar, Aḥmad bin ‘Alī, Taghlīq al-ta‘līq ‘alā ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī. al-Maktab al-Islāmī, Beirut, 1985
- Ibn Ḥajar, Aḥmad bin ‘Alī, Tahdhīb al-tahdhīb. Mu’assasat al-Risāla, Beirut, 1996
- Ibn Ḥajar, Aḥmad bin ‘Alī, Ta‘jīl al-manfa‘a. Dār al-Bashā’ir al-Islāmiyya, Beirut, 1996
- Ibn Ḥajar, Aḥmad bin ‘Alī, al-Talkhīṣ al-ḥabīr fī takhrīj aḥādīth al-Rāfi‘ī al-kabīr. Mu’assasat Qurṭuba, Cairo, 1995
- Ibn Sa‘d, Muḥammad, al-Ṭabaqāt al-kubrā. Dār Ṣādir, n.d.
- Ibn Sa‘d, Muḥammad, al-Ṭabaqāt al-kubrā al-qism al-mutammim. Al-Jāmi‘a al-Islāmiyya bi ’l-Madīna al-Munawwara, Madina, 1983
- al-Khazraji, Khulāṣat tadhhīb tahdhīb al-kamāl fī asmā’ al-rijāl. Dār al-Bashā’ir al-Islāmiyya, Beirut, 1416h
- al-Mizzī, Abū ’l-Ḥajjāj Yūsuf, Tuḥfat al-ashrāf bi ma‘rifat al-aṭrāf. Dār al-Gharb al-Islāmī, Beirut, 1999
- Mughlaṭay, ‘Alā’ al-Dīn b. Qulayj, Ikmāl tahdhīb al-kamāl fī asmā’ al-rijāl. Al-Fārūq al-Ḥadītha li’l-Ṭibā‘a wa’l-Nashr, Cairo, 2001
Qur’an: Track based modules
Advanced Qur’anic Studies
Brief description:
This course serves as a more detailed study of ‘Ulum al-Qur’an (UQ) at an intermediate level. This course will survey the development, origins, formation, authority, terminology, criticism and classifications of UQ. The main text for this course is al-Muharrar fi Ulum al-Qur’an by the renowned contemporary Qur’anic scholar Professor Musa’id b. Salman al-Tayyar. This course will start with an overview and development of UQ. Students will be guided through a critical and analytical reading of the main categories of UQ; Revelation and compilation, The chapters of the Qur’an, The Mushaf. This course will also highlight the link between the various discussions of UQ and their relationship with each other as well as their connection to Tafsir.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
Term 1 will focus on the history and development of UQ and Revelation and Compilation. Term two will focus on topics related to the chapters of the Qur’an. Term three will focus on the Mushaf; definition, rasm, tajzi’ah etc.
Suggested reading:
- Ibn Juzzay, Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Kalbi, al-Tashil li ‘ulum al-tanzil. al-Muntada al-Islami, Sharja
- al-Tayyar, Musa‘id bin Sulayman, Sharh muqaddimat al-tashil li ‘ulum al-tashil li ’bn juzzay. Dar Ibn al-Jawzi, Riyadh
- al-Gharnati, Abu Ja’far Ahmad bin Ibrahim, al-Burhan fi tartib suwar al-Qur’an. Wizarat al-Awqaf, Rabat
- Ibn Taymiyya, Ahmad bin ‘Abd al-Halim, Muqaddima fi usul al-tafsir, multiple editions
- al-Zarkashi, Badr al-Din, al-Burhan fi ‘ulum al-Qur’an, multiple editions
- al-Suyuti, Jalal al-Din, al-Tahbir fi ‘ilm al-tafsir. Dar al-Manar, Cairo
- al-Suyuti, Jalal al-Din, al-Itqan fi ‘ulum al-Qur’an, multiple editions
- Waliyullah, Ahmad bin ‘Abd al-Rahim al-Dahlawi, al-Fawz al-kabir fi usul al-tafsir. Dar al-Basha’ir al-Islamiyya, Beirut
- al-Balinburi, Sa‘id Ahmad, al-‘Awn al-kabir sharh al-fawz al-kabir, multiple editions
- al-Farahi, ‘Abd al-Hamid, Rasa’il fi ‘ulum al-Qur’an (parts 1 & 2). al-Da’ira al-Hamidiyya, India
- Al-Maliki, ‘Alawi bin ‘Abbas, Fayd al-khabir wa khulasat al-taqrir ‘ala nahj al-taysir sharh manzumat al-tafsir, multiple editions
- Al-Tayyar, Musa‘id bin Sulayman, al-Tahrir fi usul al-tafsir. Markaz al-Dirasat wa’l-Ma‘lumat al-Qur’aniyya, Jedda
- Al-Tayyar, Musa‘id bin Sulayman, al-Muharrar fi ‘ulum al-Qur’an. Markaz al-Dirasat wa’l-Ma‘lumat al-Qur’aniyya, Jedda
Brief description:
This is an advanced module in the Qur’an track of the EC ‘Alimiyya programme. It builds on previous study of the classical tradition in ʿulūm al-qurʾān and tafsīr modules by providing students with a survey of contemporary research in the field of Qur’anic studies in both the English and Arabic languages. By reading and analysing recent themes in Qur’anic studies within a seminar format, students gain a wider perspective on approaches to the Qur’an and increase fluency in this important and constantly developing global scholarly discourse. This course is also good preparation for post-graduate study and research in Qur’anic studies.
This module is taught over 36 weeks with 2 contact periods a week.
Content summary:
This module aims to provide students with up-to-date knowledge of contemporary scholarship on the Qur’an in English and Arabic by analysing the ways in which scholars understand a number of significant themes centred on its history, literary form and interpretation. Students will gain skills in reading, speaking and writing about contemporary research in Qur’anic studies.
Suggested reading:
Essential reading:
- Nicolai Sinai, The Qur’an: A Historical Critical Introduction
- Daniel A. Madigan, The Qur’ān’s Self-Image: Writing and Authority in Islam’s Scripture
- Ramon Harvey, The Qur’an and the Just Society
- Andrew Rippin (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to the Qur’an
- Angelika Neuwirth, Scripture, Poetry and the Making of Community: Reading the Qur’an as a Literary Text
- Muḥammad Abdel Haleem, Exploring the Qur’an: Context and Impact
- Travis Zadeh, The Vernacular Qur’an: Translation and the Rise of Persian Exegesis