Adab and Balagha (AL3)


In the previous years, students have developed their appreciation of Arabic literature, but the focus has mainly been on prose. In this course students will have the opportunity to study some of the most famous poems of the pre-Islamic and early-Islamic period, including the famous mu‘allaqat. In addition, there is a focuses on studying balagha theory, with a close study of balagha of the Qur’an towards the end of the course.

Duration: This module is taught over 32 weeks

Course Start date: September 2024

Lesson Day/Time: Monday 12:20 – 13:10 | Thursday: 11:30 – 13:10

Please note, lesson timings are subject to change if necessary and will change slightly during Ramadhan. Further details will be provided beforehand.


Course Description: 

In the previous years, students have developed their appreciation of Arabic literature, but the focus has mainly been on prose. In this course students will have the opportunity to study some of the most famous poems of the pre-Islamic and early-Islamic period, including the famous mu‘allaqat. In addition, there is a focuses on studying balagha theory, with a close study of balagha of the Qur’an towards the end of the course.

Level: Alimiyyah Programme Year 3


Throughout the Alimiyyah course, students have studied Arabic syntax, morphology, Arabic literature, translation and exegesis of the Qur’an. While students may have been introduced to some technical terms used in the science of balāgha in these courses, this course will give them the opportunity to systematically study the most important rhetorical devices by going through a primer text and allow them to appreciate how these devices are employed in both the Qur’an and Arabic literature.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Be aware of the historical development of poetry and its salient features such as the key figures and the respective texts/commentaries in each era.
  • Identify key principles, concepts and rhetorical devices used in poetry.
  • Understand the importance of poetry for understanding the Qur’an.
  • Understand the importance of the science of balāgha.
  • Be familiar with the key rhetorical devices discussed in balāgha.
  • Be able to recognise and appreciate the rhetorical features and devices in classical Arabic literature and the Qur’an.
  • Be able to appreciate how much is lost in translation;
  • Be aware of the historical development of balāgha and its salient features including the key figures and the respective texts/commentaries in each era;
  • Have the ability to recognise and understand balāgha related discussions in books of Qur’anic exegesis as well as other texts;
  • Understand the relationship between balāgha and Arabic syntax, morphology, Arabic literature, translation and exegesis of the Qur’an.


Students must complete the Arabic Literature at Alimiyyah Year 2 level or its equivalent, or demonstrate equivalent knowledge and skills.

Teaching and Learning Strategies:

The classes will be conducted through lectures and discussions.

Course Delivery:

This course will be delivered on campus and streamed live online using an online live streaming platform called ‘Zoom’. Lessons will be recorded and students provided access to them. Further details will be emailed to students 5 days before the course commences insha Allah.

For more information on how this works, please click here.

Course Teacher: Shaykh Mujahid Ali

Additional information



On Campus, Online


Non-participating, Participating


Assessed, Non-assessed