Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (ARABIC)

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Course Description


This course will be a brief study of the key events of life of the Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ and some of his unique characteristics and etiquettes. The study will be a text-based study of the sīrah using the texts, Nūr al-ʿUyūn fī Talkhīṣ sīrah al-Amīn al-Ma’mūn ﷺ, by Ibn Sayyid al-Nās and parts of al-Sīrah al-Nabawiyyah, Durūs wa ‘Ibar, by Dr. Muṣtafā al-Sibāʿī.

This course will be an introduction to the genre of sīrah literature for the students of the Arabic Intensive programme at Ebrahim College, as well as external students who have studied at least Arabic Language Level 3 or equivalent. It will enhance and broaden their exposure to classical Arabic whilst learning about the life of the Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ.

Course Brief

The course will cover selective reading of:

Nūr al-ʿUyūn fī Talkhīṣ sīrah al-Amīn al-Ma’mūn , by Ibn Sayyid al-Nās:

  • The lineage of the Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ
  • His birth and early life
  • Prophethood & Revelation
  • Pilgrimages and battles
  • His noble attributes, names and mannerisms
  • His wives, children, uncles and other key figures related to his life
  • His animals, furniture, clothes and weapons
  • His demise

al-Sīrah al-Nabawiyyah, Durūs wa ‘Ibar, by Dr. Muṣtafā al-Sibāʿī:

  • Life before Prophethood
  • Life from Prophethood to the migration to Abyssinia
  • From the migration to Abyssinia to the migration to Madīnah
  • The Battles of the Prophet ﷺ
  • Events related to the conquest of Makkah until the demise of the Prophet ﷺ

Teaching and learning strategies

Students will be expected to prepare a section of the book before each lesson, which they will read and translate in class. The text will be analysed word by word and students will be required to analyse the text grammatically.

The lessons will also include a presentation of key ideas, questions and answers, and student-centred discussions and exercises.

Course Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and understanding:

  1. Students will learn about the key events within the life of the Prophet and gain a brief historical understanding surrounding these events
  2. They will gain an understanding of his character and etiquettes
  3. Gain familiarity with key figures and their role in the life of the Prophet

Skills and application:

  1. Being able to decipher a basic text in the genre of sīrah
  2. Be able to independent read and translate a classical text with an aid of a dictionary
  3. Familiarise with unique vocabulary pertaining to the subject

Prerequisites: Students who have studied at least Arabic Language Level 3 or equivalent.

Duration – 14 weeks

  • Starting: 14 February 2024
  • Holiday: Ramadhan holiday for 5 weeks from 13/03/2024 to 10/04/2024. Course restarts on 17/04/2024.
  • Time: 18:30 to 20:00 (1 hour 30 minutes)

Course Delivery
This course will be delivered on online using an online live streaming platform called ‘Zoom’.  For more information on how this works, please click here.

Additional information


Male and Female


14 weeks





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