Director of Education. Senior Lecturer in Hadith & Arabic Literature
Shaykh Mujahid Ali came to England at a young age and was brought up in the North of England. During his teens he started his Islamic studies at the Institute of Islamic Education in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire where he studied the Islamic sciences according to the Dars Nizami curriculum.
In 2002 he completed his hadith studies under Shaykhul Hadith Mufti Muslihuddin, Shaykh Yusuf Darwan, Shaykh Mufti Musa Badat and Shaykh Abul Qasim, from whom he received ijazah. He then travelled to Syria for further studies in Hadith under several mashayikh (scholars) such as Shaykh Mohammad Asa’d Saeed As-Sagarji Ad- Dimashqi, and also studied advanced Arabic at Ma’had al-Lugah a branch of Damascus University.
Since 2004 the Shaykh has been a teacher at Ebrahim College. Whilst teaching both these subjects he has compiled an anthology of Arabic literature as a literature textbook, and written a commentary on al-Muqaddamah al-Jazariyyah in tajweed, both of which will soon be published. The Shaykh also has ijaazah in al-Qira’aatal-Sab’ from the Institute of Islamic Education, Dewsbury.