Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur’an

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Course Description

This course looks at various aspects of the science of Divine revelation, how the Qur`an was revealed, preserved, compiled and transmitted through generation after generation. It also briefly covers the exegesis (tafsir) and translation of the Quran. The importance of such a subject is that if one is to properly grasp the Divine Message one needs to fully understand the ciscrumstances that surround the message. Although some part of this special knowledge can be derived from the Qur’an itself, there remain other areas of knowledge that can only be discovered by wider study and research. The branch of knowledge, called ‘Ulum al-Qur’an will give one a complete understanding of the message of the Qur’an, by understanding its setting and circumstances.

According to a general definition, ‘ulum al-qur’an denotes studies concerned with the book of revelations sent down upon the last Prophet Muhammad (SAW) namely:

– Its revelation.
– Its collection.
– Its order and arrangement.
– It’s writing down.
– Information about the reasons and occasions of revelation.
– About what was revealed in Makkah and what in Madinah.
– About the abrogating and abrogated verses.
– About the ‘clear’ and the ‘unclear’ verses.
– The term also covers Qur’an-related studies, such as:
– The explanation of verses and passages by the Prophet himself, his Companions, their followers and the later exegetes of the Qur’an.
– The methods of explanation.
– The scholars of exegesis and their books.

Course Delivery

This course is run either onsite or online. When registering, please choose your preferred option/platform. Please note, we may not have both options available in the same term.

For more information on how Zoom works, please view our Zoom user guide at

Course Resources

All students will receive the relevant course details, materials 5 days before the course starts. This will include:

  • Zoom meeting details (for online courses)
  • Pdf versions of the course materials/notes by email
  • Link to Google Drive to access courses notes and recordings (if applicable)
  • Link to Google Classroom to interact with teachers, receive additional course material and information (if applicable).

Please note:

  • Printed copies of your course materials are available to collect from the college office on request.
  • If you would like a printed copy to be posted to your address, you will need to place an order via our website 

Additional information


Male and Female


6 weeks





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