Wellbeing Programme – Cardio Boxing

Prophet Muhammad (saw) states: “There are two blessings which many people do not appreciate, health and leisure time” (Muslim & Bukhari)

Welcome to the Fitness Programme delivered by Ebrahim College. Its purpose is to promote a healthier lifestyle, together with a nutritional diet, that gives you the ability and strength to fulfil your religious obligations.

  • Duration:           10 weeks, 1 hour each lesson (10 hours in total)
  • Prerequisites:    None
  • Progression:      Student who complete this may be interested in taking the Kickboxing/Self Defence Classes.

Teacher: Sister Jumera Begum

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Wellbeing Programme – Cardio Boxing (Low Impact)

Prophet Muhammad (saw) states: “There are two blessings which many people do not appreciate, health and leisure time” (Muslim & Bukhari)

Welcome to the Fitness Programme delivered by Ebrahim College. Its purpose is to promote a healthier lifestyle, together with a nutritional diet, that gives you the ability and strength to fulfil your religious obligations.

  • Duration:           10 weeks, 1 hour each lesson (10 hours in total)
  • Prerequisites:    None
  • Progression:      Student who complete this may be interested in taking the Kickboxing/Self Defence Classes.

The Programme Structure

This is a 10-week Programme. Students are advised to be committed beginning to end to benefit from the results. At the end of the programme, students should have the ability and skills to continue with the workouts independently.

What is Cardio boxing?

Cardio boxing is a combination of shadowboxing accompanied by continuous cardio movements, that increases your body strength and teaches you to control your heart rate, improving your overall physical and mental health.

  • Weeks 1 & 2 – 1 hour stretches
  • Weeks 3 to 6 – 30 minutes stretches + 30 minutes Cardio (low impact)
  • Weeks 7 to 10 – 1 hour Full Cardio (low impact)

*Note: All sessions will start with warmups. Exercises include (not limited to): high knees, burpees, fast feet, shadow boxing etc.

Course Outcomes  

Towards the end of the course, students should benefit from the following:

  • Building stamina and helping the spiritual mindset
  • Strength in fitness due to the full body workout
  • A change in balance and coordination (hand-eye coordination and footwork)
  • A change in body composition (weight loss/tone & sculpt)
  • Understanding the benefits of a healthy lifestyle


Programme will include assessment of different exercises, which would enable you to continue with your great work in your own time.

Additional information




10 weeks


On Campus



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