Tafseer of Surah Yusuf

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Brief description

Students will study Surah’s Yusuf focusing the key themes of the surah and the lessons we can derive from the story of Yusuf AS.



Content summary objectives

  • Introduce students to the basic themes of the chapters being taught.
  • Introduce students to the causes of revelation and historical/social context.
  • Commentary of verses with a view to understanding the general themes of surah content, the correct meaning and context of verses.
  • Encourage students to think about how the lessons we learn in the surah can be applied in our own lives.
  • Encourage students to think about how the Quran is a source of guidance for us in our own lives as we reflect upon guidance contained in the verses of Surah Yusuf.

Learning outcomes

  • Knowledge and understanding
  • Awareness of the basic themes of Surah Yusuf.
  • Knowledge of some causes of revelation and context.
  • Awareness of basic linguistics (where applicable).
  • Awareness of how the lessons inherent in the surah can be a source of guidance for one’s life.



Students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an accurate understanding of the basic meaning of a verse
  • Demonstrate a little awareness of any discussions surrounding verses of a juristic, socio-political nature or show contemporary relevance of verses;
  • Demonstrate some knowledge of how Arabic words are used in a Qur’anic context and relate that to its etymology;
  • For students with some Arabic background: To be able to demonstrate some ability to analyse the text and independently translate it accurately in to English;

Teaching and learning strategies

  • The classes will be conducted through lectures and discussions. All students are expected to prepare for the lessons by consulting basic materials before class.


  • This course will be streamed live online.

Additional information




6 weeks





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