Tajweed Level 3

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SKU: QS-TL3 Categories: ,


Course Description

This course continues on from Level 2 and focuses on developing students’ ability to recite a greater number of surahs with tajweed as well as developing greater fluency in reading the Qur’anic text while maintaining all the rules of tajweed. A few new rules will be introduced completing all the required knowledge of the theory of tajweed.

12 weeks (30 hours in total), 2 hours and 30 minutes each lesson

Level: Level 3
Status: Compulsory for all students who wish to learn how to recite the Qur’an correctly.
Prerequisites: The ability to read Arabic and the study of Tajweed Level 2, or its equivalent.

Course Plan

  1. Theory: Sifaat (qualities) of the letters – sifaat with opposites
    Practice: Examples within class recitation for that week
    Memorisation: Surah al-Tin
  2. Theory: Sifaat continued – sifaat without opposites
    Practice: Examples within class recitation for that week
    Memorisation: Surah al-Sharh
  3. Theory: Wuqoof and ibtidat (starting and stopping)
    Practice: Examples within class recitation for that week
    Memorisation: Surah al-Duha
  4. Theory: Recap of all theory covered
    Practice: Implementation of all rules covered within class recitation for that week
    Memorisation: Surah al-Layl (Pt 1)
  5. Practice: Implementation of all rules covered within class recitation for that week
    Memorisation: Surah al-Layl (Pt 2)
  6. Practice: Implementation of all rules covered within class recitation for that week
    Memorisation: Surah al-Shams (part 1)
  7. Practice: Implementation of all rules covered within class recitation for that week
    Memorisation: Surah al-Shams (part 2)
  8. Practice: Implementation of all rules covered within class recitation for that week
    Memorisation: Surah al-Balad (Pt 1)
  9. Practice: Implementation of all rules covered within class recitation for that week
    Memorisation: Surah al-Balad (Pt 2)
  10. Theory: Revision of all rules
    Practice: Implementation of all rules covered
    Memorisation: Revision
  11. Theory: Revision of all rules
    Practice: Implementation of all rules covered
    Memorisation: Revision
  12. Assessment

Students will be assessed at the end of the course.

Course Delivery

This course is run either onsite or online. When registering, please choose your preferred option/platform. Please note, we may not have both options available in the same term.

For more information on how Zoom works, please view our Zoom user guide at https://ebrahimcollege.org.uk/zoom/

Course Resources

All students will receive the relevant course details. This will include:

  • Zoom meeting details (for online courses)
  • Pdf versions of the course materials/notes by email
  • Link to Google Drive to access courses notes and recordings (if applicable)
  • Link to Google Classroom to interact with teachers, receive additional course material and information.

Please note:

Additional information




10 weeks


